Axelent’s doors offer a simple solution

Axelent’s X-Guard series includes a broad range of doors in as many designs, with the answer to your company’s needs among them. Below is a presentation of the X-Guard door series.

Single hinged door)


Single hinged door

Very similar to a ‘normal’ door, with hinges and door stops. When you need frequent access and space allows, this makes a great doorway. The choice of door width depends on the choice of panel, with widths of up to 1.5 metres.

Double hinged door


Double hinged door

When you need a wider doorway, such as to transport pallets, a double hinged door is the perfect choice. The same design as the single hinged door, but with double doors that open in the middle. With double doors, you can create an opening of up to 3 metres.

Combined hinged and sliding door)


Combined hinged and sliding door

When there’s not enough space for wide sliding doors or wide door panels, here’s a door with a large opening and no overhead rail that doesn’t require much room. Perfect for feeding steel plating or other materials in and out of an automated cell. This door offers a compact solution for creating an opening up to 4 metres wide. All the advantages of both door types merged into one! The door panel takes no more space than a single hinged door when open.

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