SAVE THE DATE - Axelent Safety Webinar 25th of October at CET 11:00 am

Industrial trucks often crash into shelves, walls, and equipment such as machinery, causing costly damage. Or even worse, accidents with pedestrians. Enhancing workplace safety by assessing the traffic situation in your premises. Evaluate the risks and take suitable technical measures. The safety of internal traffic should be of great concern to every company.

Don’t miss out on Axelents Safety Webinar – Industrial barriers help ensure safe traffic. Our safety expert Matthias Schulz will explain all question marks around where, why and how to secure with impact protection will be explained during this webinar.


SAVE THE DATE - 25.10.2022 CET 11:00 am

The Safety webinar will deal with these topics:

  • Why on-site traffic safety is an important issue
  • How to protect pedestrians
  • How to protect sensitive or costly equipment
  • Ways to perform traffic risk assessment


Want to watch our other webinars or read more about safety – visit our Safety Hub.

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Krijg toegang tot een wereld van kennis - de basis van vooruitgang, innovatie en veiligheid.

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